Thursday, June 27, 2024

"Well, Your Honor, it's like this..."

I understand that everyone is considered innocent until found guilty in a court of law. We all watched COPS enough to know that. But this news item caught my peepers:

Maryland House Minority Leader Jason Buckel, a Republican from Allegany County, was arrested on DUI and other charges, court records show.

It was 11:23 pm, Thursday before last, that the State Police pulled him over on eastbound US 40 near Campground Rd. and cited him for:

  • Driving under the influence of alcohol.
  • Driving while impaired by alcohol.
  • Driving on a suspended license.
  • Negligent driving in a careless and imprudent manner.
  • Failure to display a registration card upon demand by a police officer.

A few days later, Buckel wrote about his “regret that this incident ever occurred,” but denied that he was impaired, driving erratically or too fast.

He did not address why he seemed to be driving on a suspended license. Court records say that suspension occurred last summer after he was doing 79 mph on I-68. 

Del. Buckel went on to say that on the day in question, he was feeling so unwell that he took an over-the-counter medication, later stopping at a restaurant to watch a hockey game. But as he wrote, “I did not over consumer [sic] any alcoholic beverages.”

Buckel, a lawyer, said he will continue to work on legislative matters, deal with the legal process, and "abide by the outcome."

The matter of the license suspension was cleared up by paying a fine for last summer's violation the day after these current charges were placed against him. He'll be in court on July 24 for an initial hearing.

This is normally where I would go on one of my rants about people elected to make our laws and then violating those same laws, but no one is perfect, right? 

I just wish our lawmakers would try a little harder to be. And watch those over-the-counter medications!

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