Friday, June 7, 2024

A pejorist is one who sees the world negatively

Some pejorist I don't even know was telling me the other day that I had better get ready for the next Civil War to come to America. He seemed to be upset about the verdict in some trial up north, I don't know. 

I just can't stand the thought of it. And I would hate to have to wear one of those itchy wool uniforms, so let's try to find a way to Appomattox our way out of another war like that.

Some people seem to try to start them everywhere they go. I had no more walked into Dr Lauring's office the other day for my annual skin screening (I passed) when some old guy about my age was kicking up a fury with the receptionist. He showed up at 2:15 for his 1 o'clock appointment and could not understand why he couldn't be seen at once.

"Oh, all right, I'll just come back tomorrow morning and she'll see me then," was the next foolish thing he said. The receptionist said they don't take walk-ins, and offered him a slot at 1:45 this Thursday, to which he replied, "I have somewhere to be at 2, but they'll just have to wait."

With that charming colloquy, we saw the very essence of the spoiled American soul. Show up late and see me now! Everyone else can wait. He was a nasty, self-important old curmudgeon, and my hat is off to the receptionist for not reaching out and scotch-taping his tongue to his cheek. 

But hey, if there is another civil war, I choose not to be on his side!

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