Monday, June 10, 2024

Make me wanna shout

On my mind today: unconventional behavior among  people.

I don't know if it started when that goober Addison Graves "Joe" Wilson Sr, Congressman from S. Carolina, hollered, "You lie" (he didn't) during an address to a dual session of Congress from President Barack Obama in 2009. 

Maybe it was before that. I can remember drunks taking part in a wedding ceremony in a church, so sloshed that they had to lean on the altar rail for support. People think nothing of hollering at servers and cashiers and bank tellers, creating awful scenes. People go to church services and funerals dressed as if they were headed out to the beach in a minute. Who hasn't sat down somewhere where the previous occupant left behind peanut shells and banana peels? 

The list goes on and on, and just when I thought I had seen my fellow citizens model every type of rude behavior, here came this, in the Baltimore SUN this past week. There was a story about the former general manager of the Baltimore Blast indoor soccer team, who admitted to ripping the team and its owner Ed Hale off to the tune of over $100,000.

They had a trial for this person in Baltimore County Circuit Court. Let the newspaper clipping show you how some people can't tell the difference between a courtroom and a soccer arena:

A spectator during a court proceeding stood up and hollered an exhortation to    a businessman during a trial, as if he were at a ballgame and screaming for a batter to slap a sharp single between second and third. Or whatever they want a soccer player to do. 

In a day when people call teachers by their first name and heat up fish in the office microwave and cut other people off in traffic, nothing should surprise us. 

I want to holler about it all, but in an appropriate manner, time, and place.

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