Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Saturday Picture Show, June 1, 2024


I try to avoid black-and-white photos here because, well, because they lack color, but I found this to be remarkable. A drive-in grocery store in Georgia years ago. Easy to see why this idea failed to catch on. By the time you got home with your flank steak, it smelled of car exhaust, and if the cars drove in single file, and you were only getting a lb. of bacon and the sedan ahead was filling a week's worth of grocery orders, with no express line, you'd be there 'til the cows came home.
Is there some certain protocol for waving at the people riding past you in the Weinermobile? Can you ask if they have any Grey Poupon?
The story of Tater Tots is a classic in the annals of American ingenuity...the factory was scooping out all the potato meat from the skins, and that left a lot of waste product, until someone realized they could mash the spudskins and extrude that into millions of tasty Tots, and dinners are the better for it.
I've never been to Kansas, and it would be cool to see acres and acres of flat acreage with amber waves of grain. No wonder Miss Gulch rode her bike so fast- no hills!
Nature has a way of reminding us that even the lowly weeds that grow at the edges of the lawn can have a pretty bloom!
I'll keep looking for this variety of tomato in the produce aisle. It's called Purple Norfolk. You'd think they could come up with a sponsorship deal with the Ravens!
Cats love to look outside at the passing wildlife, knowing they have 27 places inside to take a nap.
Look again! It's not a real trolley; it's just chalk art on the street, an example of trompe l'oeil, French for "deceive the eye." Another helpful French expression is "attention aux trains" - watch out for the trains!

Until it rains, the kids on this court will have an a-maze-ing day!
Coolest kid of the week is this little sidekick, whose Dad made him his own lumber cart so they could go to Home Depot together. Who woodn't love one of these?


Andrew W. Blenko said...

Those tomatoes do NOT look appealing!

Lisa said...

I agree with Andrew; those tomatoes look very unappealing. And the little boy with his Home Depot cart is precious!