Wednesday, June 12, 2024


June is National Accordion Awareness Month!

There was a time when every town had a television show on Saturday afternoons, usually called something like "Talent Time," and there was always some kid wailing away on an accordion.

I love the sound of a squeezebox.

Somewhere around the house I have an old CD called "Legends of Accordion." Peggy always said it sounded so much better in my truck, so maybe I should leave it there. Hmmm. 

For those who might say the accordion is not hip or cool or whatever the hip or cool people say now, I say listen to this version of "So What's New?" by Milton DeLugg (before he had the Band With A Thug.)  Listen to it and I promise you will tap your toe 'til your corns start to hurting.

Milton DeLugg led the band with his accordion on the first version of the Tonight Show.

Let the rest of this month ring out with accordion favorites day and night! Roll out the barrel and let's hear it! 

1 comment:

Richard Foard said...

It's just not fair. This guy gets famous, yet my accordion/bagpipe/kazoo band never even made it to the charts!