Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Saturday Picture Show, June 8, 2024


So, if one of the little wires powering your wristwatch happens to go bad or get disconnected or whatever, you can now look into the matter for yourself.
It wasn't Maryland's turn for a cicada invasion this summer.  We were visited by millions of flying buzzing bug-eyed bugs last in 2021 and their progeny will arrive in these precincts in 2038. Cicadas are currently bedeviling the American South, as seen above.
"Good morning, Titanic guests and crew! Here's today's menu!" My advice is to skip the oatmeal porridge for breakfast if you're planning to have the gruel for supper. Too much roughage.
I've told this before, but I love to talk about the great Moe Berg, major league catcher and US spy during World War II. Moe's sister was a librarian and teacher in New Jersey, and in spring and summer, she could walk into any restaurant in New York and have the finest dinner in return for a peck of her home-grown raspberries, which were favored by all the pastry chefs. And her secret was that she lived just one block from the police stable in her town. You can take it from there.
This is an alley in Prague so narrow that only one thin pedestrian at a time can walk it. That's why they have a traffic light! My claustrophobia is off the charts right now.
Someone can tell me what kind of bird this is. I know one thing - he or she is great at picking up nuts and berries!

I've never been stuck behind a chicken truck in Alabama, but if you click on this song this song by John Anderson, he'll tell you all about it!
The year was 1961 and Ham the Space Ape was just back from a suborbital flight and was picked up by the USS Donner for a ride home. He said he enjoyed his flight but didn't want to stay around for the Donner party.
You know those slivered almonds you love on your ice cream? Here's where some of them come from - the almond orchards in Turkey!
We'll never know if the stray hairs at the nape of this young lady's neck were accidentally or intentionally made to spell out LOVE but I hope it was a natural sign from above!

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