Tuesday, June 25, 2024


The official state motto of the state of Vermont is "Freedom and Unity," and one would think that a state representative there would be free from childish antics performed by another representative, but look how wrong we can be.

Rep. Mary Morrissey, currently wasting time in her 13th term in the legislature, had to stand on the House floor and apologize for behavior that she called "most unbecoming."

Morrissey, a Republican, has, for the past five months until a surreptitiously-placed camera caught her wet-handed, been pouring water into the totebag of a Democratic colleague, which was hanging in the cloakroom. The totebag, that is. The colleague was on the house floor, trying to do the people's work, while Morrissey did her water sports.

That other representative is Jim Carroll. Both of them represent Bennington, where 15,000 citizens expect better behavior from Morrissey.

 House Speaker Jill Krowinski (D) said in a statement that Carroll should file an ethics complaint because “This is a truly disturbing situation that is at odds with our legislative practices.” 

Carroll says he used to get along with Morrissey, but not since he has supported enshrining the right to abortion on the state constitution. She thinks he's all wet on that issue.

She made a formal apology (although she was dressed in daytime clothing), saying she would work toward “resolution and restoration through our legislative process.”

She called her juvenile behavior "poor judgement." I'm sure that once Carroll dries off, they will get along swimmingly. 

This is how we govern now: "I lost the election, so I will send thousands of goons to try to kill Congressmen and women and tear down the House." "And I don't like your stance on abortion, so I will douse your personal property."

Put her in a dunking booth.


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