Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Back to the Past

The BBC tells us about a couple, Liberty Avery and Greg Kirby, from Ditchingham, Norfolk, England. Liberty and Greg are totally into history - specifically the 1940s - and totally into living as if it were still the 1940s!

She's 24 and he's 29, so it's not like they have any living memory of the decade marked by World War II, the Berlin Airlift transporting food, fuel, and medicine to West Berlin during a Soviet blockade, the 1948 London Olympics (Germany and Japan were excluded), Big Band music, great movies and theater performances, and books by Dr Spock on how to raise kids and by Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry on how to raise a little prince.

But they're into it! They get traditional style clothing from the era, drive a 1942 American Jeep (we left thousands of them behind!) and have their house furnished in all vintage 40's furniture.

Greg says, "It's just a simple life, really.  We tried to make our wedding as 40s as possible; traditional, as perhaps our grandparents would've done it," he pointed out.

"They wouldn't have necessarily spent a huge amount, so we didn't, either."

For her part, Liberty says, "The reaction to us when walking down the street is generally positive. We do get the odd joke but it's a nice way to meet people because people do approach us."

As you might expect, these two aren't sitting around on Facebook and Instagram all the time. They play board games in the evenings and look for dances to attend on the weekends. And Liberty bakes, using recipes from the era, and makes reproductions of clothes using old patterns.

And then...every now and then, when the old black-and-white war movies get too heavy, they give "Mrs Miniver" a shove aside and "watch something recent now and then."

And how did these happy honeymooners meet? He walked into a hair salon where she was an apprentice, and that was it!

"He hasn't been able to get rid of me since," she laughs.

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