Tuesday, June 18, 2024

"Do me a favor?"

You might have seen this commotion online commotion online last week. I'll give you the Reader's Digest version of the story, because it do go on and on and on.

Tiffany Moore is 31 and plays the violin for a living. She must be pretty good at fiddling because she can get $2500 for a wedding job, so good for her!

Her backstory is that she was bullied in high school and repressed by her family, so he took her instrument and sought a better life, and it looks like she found it, if getting paid 2500 clams to saw her way through "All Of Me" is any indication.  Again, good for her.

But one of the girls who tormented her in high school recently texted her as if they had ever been friends, proposing that Tiffany give her an afternoon of her services as a wedding gift. Ms Bride-To-Be said that the exposure would be good for her.

In reply, Tiffany said she's doing fine and doesn't need practice or exposure and what are you trying to be nice for now when you never were before?

And they go back and forth and it gets really nasty.

Tiffany Moore

And Ms B-to-Be's fiance sees all this back-and-forth on social media, deduces that the harridan involved is his intended, and breaks it off with her.

So you can read the whole long thing if you want, but that's the gist. But why people expect freebies from people they hounded long ago is beyond me.

And I offered to let The Rolling Stones play at our wedding "for the exposure," and I never got an answer.

Or maybe I did.



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