Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Saturday Picture Show, June 22, 2024


A true field of beauty among the tulips in Holland.
For whatever reason, I have always gotten a boot out of these walkways between buildings. There was supposed to be one from the courthouse where I worked to the new county office building that they were going to build, but the building never happened, so, no. But being able to go from building to building without fretting about getting run over ("runned over" in Baltimore parlance) always appealed to me.
What a cool idea! Just dropping a note by mail to pass along a compliment. I think it's something we should do "every day" (hint hint).
In the days when they were cranking out episodes of "The Dukes Of Hazzard," the ground-breaking dramatic series that took a hard look at life among the unlettered, there was someone whose job it was to cruise parking lots and find 1969 Dodge Chargers, leaving a note offering to buy the cars, which were then painted orange with a loser flag and wrecked as offerings to a culture on the skids.
"I never saw a purple starfish; I never hope to see one, but this I'll tell you anyhow, I'd rather see than be one." 
This is a traditional washing machine from Romania, known as a vâltoare. The rushing water beats the clothes against the wooden barriers so efficiently that there's no need to use soap! The agitation gets everything clean.
Here's glassy-eyed entertainer Justin Timberlake on his way to face the court commissioner following his DUI arrest the other night in the Hamptons. Of course, he said he had "one martini," and that may be right. Long ago, I had a boss who whipped up a pitcherful of deep-dish olive pie every night, drank it right out of the pitcher, and said he one had "one martini a night." Adding to Justin's embarrassment: the officer who ran him in had no idea JT is "famous." When the pixilated popstar told him, "This might mess up my tour," the cop said, "What tour?" Bravo, officer!
Every geographic term illustrated. It looks a lot like Eastern Baltimore County to me.
My face too. Just don't get it, but that leaves more for you if you like it!
I'm sure the fire marshal will have no problem with the placement of this vending machine. "Who needs a fire extinguisher, anyway? You only want one when there's a fire, and we never have fires here!"


Andrew W. Blenko said...

Today’s edition is a real winner!

Mark said...
