Wednesday, June 8, 2011

"Hey There, Anthony Boy" (Chuck Berry)

In my formative years, I learned a very valuable lesson from a co-worker about a boss who was reputed to be tough and demanding.  "Just don't ever do anything to embarrass the organization," was the advice he gave me as we stocked the shelves with Rice-a-Roni (The San Francisco Treat!), and it's worth remembering.

If you think of marriage and family as an organization, the same principle applies.  Every time I hear of a Schwarzenegger, a John ("Johnny Reid") Edwards, a Mark Sanford, my thoughts go right away to the wife (and kids, if applicable) who bear the brunt of the misdeeds of the man.  Sometimes, you can hardly keep up with it, like when the governor of New York was caught paying for nookie and forced to resign, only to be replaced by a man who admitted on the day he was sworn in that he had carried on outside of his marriage. On the case of former governor Spitzer, CBS based a show called "The Good Wife."  Mrs Spitzer stood there at her hubby's weepy press conference, stoic and strong.  Most of the other wives have not, for good reason. 

I don't know much about Weiner (except that his career is over) but I bet I do know this much: he didn't have a lot of girlfriends in high school.  I mean, I was kind of between Don Juan and Don Knotts in that area, but I guess I developed the ability to exist in a relationship with a woman without feeling the need to send a photograph of my noodle to other women, which seems to be this Weiner's problem. If you have friends of both genders and you learn how to relate to the opposite sex in a fashion that is rewarding to you both, you don't even have those kind of urges.  I've long posited that it was the off-center guys who slunk around the hallways in a purple haze who had problems with women, and the guys who learned to appreciate everything about everyone had their share of fun and romance - no more, no less.
Maybe Mr Congressman Weiner spent too much time studying or something, and was not able to express himself to women in the conventional ways that men have, which include:
Hear this by clicking HERE

a) calling them and stammering for an hour
b) piling buddies into your car and driving past her house 127 times, and then, when she comes out to retrieve the recycling bin from down by the mailbox, saying, "Oh cool! I didn't know you lived here! Far out!"
c) taking them to dinner  - first at Taco Bell, then Red Robin, then Ruth's Chris's Ruth's House of Chris's Steaks
d) planning a love scene with as much forethought as Eisenhower gave to the Italian campaign 
e) going for rides in the country, picnics at Loch Raven, and taking their little nieces to the snowball stand
f) realizing that the woman knows best how to handle "d"
g) asking them to get married
h) showing up ON TIME, dressed as directed, and reasonably sober, for the wedding
i) remaining true and faithful "til death do us depart"

Meeting a woman online and sending her images of your junk does not make for a healthy relationship.  You can't take a dirty picture to the snowball stand and buy it a large Tutti-Frutti with marshmallow.

Well, you can, but then people would laugh at you.  Right, Anthony boy?

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