Tuesday, May 5, 2009

How to turn one of those Facebook quizzes into a blog entry

TEN things I wish I could say to TEN different people right now:

1. Thank you , Peggy, for loving me so perfectly (it can’t be easy)
2. Who taught you to be this kindly - and why don’t they write a book about it?
3. I am so proud of how your life is turning out because you took control of it.
4. Come out from the shell you hide in; we love you and no one will hurt you.
5. It’s ok to have feelings and make mistakes.

6. People would take you more seriously if you didn’t dress like a clown and speak like a fourth-grader
7. There’s someone just right for you somewhere; don’t give up until you find him
8. There’s someone just right for you somewhere; don’t give up until you find her
9. No need to take yourself so seriously all the time.
10. I’d be wary of letting someone else dominate my life like that

NINE things about myself:

1. I tend to give trust before it’s warranted and stop trusting before that’s warranted either
2. I am either way ahead of new trends or really way behind them
3. I love to read
4. People often have no idea what I’m talking about
5. I pride myself on being prepared for emergencies
6. I can’t do mindless tasks (walking, lawn mowing) without an mp3 player or Walkman
7. I need to continue losing weight and getting back in shape
8. I am finicky about grammar, spelling, and punctuality
9. I am among the most blessed people on earth

EIGHT ways to win my heart:

1. Tell me you love me
2. Be honest

3. Tell me everything you feel about me
4. Be consistent about it
5. Be faithful
6. Show kindness to others even when no one is looking
7. Back me up when I’m up against it
8. Tell me you love me again

SEVEN things that cross my mind a lot:

1. Making sure Peggy is happy
2. What time is it?
3. Should I eat that - what’s the carb/sodium/fat gram count?
4. What’s the weather forecast?

5. What’s in the news?
6. Is everyone in the family/friends group ok or do they need anything?

7. Is this fair for all concerned?

SIX things I do before I go to bed:

1. Guzzle iced tea

2. Brush teeth
3. Take one Tylenol PM
4. Obsessively check everything in the house

5. Kiss sleeping Peggy goodnight

6. Pray with thanks for another day of love and happiness

FIVE people who mean a lot (non-family, non-friends, so as not to leave anyone out):

1. Garrison
2. Jimmy
3. Cal
Ripken, Jr.
4. Barack
5. Elvis

FOUR things I'm wearing right now:

1. Red t-shirt
2. Grey gym shorts
3. Brown moccasins
4. Proper support undergarment

THREE songs that fit my life right now:

1. The Wonder of You - Elvis
2. True Love - Bing Crosby and Grace Kelly
3. Bongo Rock - The Incredible Bongo Band

TWO things I want to do before I die:

1. Go hunting with Dick Cheney

2. See #1

ONE confession:

1. I don’t deserve any of the happiness and love I’ve been given, so I just try to share it.


Peggy said...

These are lovely comments. Thank you!

princealexsmomma said...

Sure you deserve all the love and happiness in the world