Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dash away, all!

Does it make me seem cranky to complain about a sign that I saw the other day, posted alongside the road as I ran an errand?


What's up with the dash between the numericals and the street name? The dash is not called for.

What's the story on signs outside car repair places, signs with slogans such as "ALL TYPE'S REPAIR'S -- MECHANIC-ON-DUTY" ?

And for the sweet love of Pete, who put up the sign on the restaurant down the road, "CONGRATS ARTIE YOUR FORTY!"

Oh, call me cranky. But punctuate and spell it properly, please!


Ralph said...

At least they know there's a "t" in "congrats." In addition to "congradulations," I've also seen the hearty, "congrads".

Peggy said...

I have to agree with you!

Only you seem to spot all these signs!