Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Chicken out of water

Wondering how much longer it will take until blowhard Sean Hannity ("waterboarding is a fair and necessary interrogation technique for suspected terrorists") ...will respond to Keith Olbermann's offer to pay $1,000 to charities benefiting the families of American service personnel for every second that the chortling Hannity can stand being waterboarded...

Hannity was talking to Charles Grodin, who lamented the use of this barbaric technique under forces led by "Scary Dick" Cheney, soft-pedalling the horror of it all, leading Grodin to doubt that Hannity could stand it, and hoisting Hannity on his own petard.

"Sure," Hannity said. "I'll do it for charity ... I'll do it for the troops' families."

When Grodin asked, "Are you busy on Sunday?" Hannity laughed.

"I'll let you do it," Hannity said.

"I wouldn't do it," Grodin said. "I'll hand you a towel when you come out of the shower."

Olbermann offered the thousand-per-second, and said he'd double it if Hannity acknowledges he feared for his life and admits that waterboarding is torture.

"I don't think he has the courage to even respond to this — let alone do it," Olbermann said.

It's been a couple of weeks...no answer. What's worse than a bloviating baby who won't back up his billowing boasts?

1 comment:

Peggy said...

He'll never do it, I believe. Should never had made that comment.