Monday, February 9, 2009


The best thing for my diet - get sick! I have not eaten one thing since last night's dinner, and that meal did not stay with me for long.

But speaking of last night's dinner...we went to an Italian place (rhymes with ''Farrabba's'') and the most annoying thing was going on. We went with friends for the very last of Peggy's birthday celebrations. Part of the "charm" of this place is that the cooking is done right out there in the open, so diners are regularly treated to momentary flareups as hot oil meets hot pan. I'm sure that the guys back behind the bar, cooking, ham it up a little bit, tossing pans and ingredients in the manner of a Tom Cruise bartender movie. Then, once the meals are "plated", they are given a last-minute inspection and garnish by a woman in a maroon shirt.

Apparently, she is a big fan of US Marine movies, because, after the food passes her rigorous once-over, she gives it to "food runners" who then walk (!) it to the tables of waiting customers, who have already gnawed through an entire loaf of crusty, yeasty bread. BUT! To get the attention of the food runners, she hollers - bellows - SCREAMS! things such as "Food runners! Hot food here! Come on! We have 16 runners tonight; where are you guys?"

To which the runners slide back to her position in the desultory manner of teenagers since time began.

Could this woman not ring a bell or something to get their attention? Where are they anyway; either they should be occupied with handing people their chow or waiting for the next plate of manicotti to dispense.

One goes to a restaurant for a pleasant dining experience and winds up hearing this shrieking fishwife barking at her staff. I could have stayed home and watched The View if I wanted that.

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