Friday, February 6, 2009

Go Red!

I hope you get to see this before deciding what color to wear today. This being Friday February 6, it's Go Red For Women Day. It's a day for women across the country to "band together to wipe out heart disease and stroke."

If you want something done right, ask a busy woman! Please check this out and go red.

Of course I was already planning to wear red socks. That's the only color I like.

It started as my tribute to Garrison Keillor and Studs Terkel, but now it means even more to me. Thanks for joining the cause. As Paul Henreid says in "Casablanca" (see it Saturday night at 8 on Turner Classic Movies), "I have no doubt that now we will be successful."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I keep laughing over and over at that picture of you passed out on the recliner. Excuse me, sleeping on the recliner!

I do have my red on today!