Saturday, October 9, 2021

The Saturday Picture Show, October 9, 2021


Ok, first of all, I had to be told that this guy is a movie star, a comedian, no less. He's Jonah Hill, and I hope he is better at carrying a movie to box office success than he is at carrying a cup of coffee.
They say that there are shipping and supply issues as we career toward the holiday season, so if you are planning to give all of your kith and kin a keyboard waffle iron, better order it now! Many people don't even know that we can make waffles at home without bothering anyone at the Eggo Factory.
Someone asked Uncle Nutsy to slice the baguette for dinner, and, literalist that he is, he brought out the tape measure to make sure no one got more than anyone else.
Probably the only reason I am popular at campfires is that I don't want a s'more, so I seem magnanimous when I say, "Would you like my s'more?" 
I have a lifelong fascination with things that are actually two things. Take squid: in an old mayonnaise jar, it's bait, but breaded and deep-fried, it's calamari! So when Ford came out with the Ranchero in 1957, a vehicle that was half a coupe and half a pickup truck, I thought it was cool as beans. Of course, Chevy stole the idea and put out the El Camino two minutes later. Just the thing for when you have to pick up one person and some 2x4s. This is a 1965 Ford Ranchero that someone didn't drive very well.
And now, from our ongoing series "Why Women Live Longer," this Homer Homemaker shows that the electric utility box is the worst place to prop up a ladder.
Two young men from California, Rex Reason and his younger brother Rhodes, set out to be movie stars, and look how that turned out. Wikipedia says that Rhodes  starred in over 200 movies, plays, and television shows, and surely he was proud to tell his friends all over that he had a large role in "King Kong Escapes." Sammy Davis, Jr. once described a two-bit comic as something only show business could produce: "a failure who makes $250,000 a year." Tough way to make a living.
You have to wait all year until the leaves on this sugar maple turn the same color as the spray-painted humanoids on the fence.
We had a chipmunk at our old house, and people advised me to encourage him to find a new place to live. They can tunnel under the sidewalk and nibble on wires and cause havoc. So, I took their advice and dropped three mothballs down his hatch. The next morning, I found the three mothballs lined up perfectly right outside the hole. I knew when I was defeated and he stayed around for a while.
I haven't been to the airport for years, because I hate to take my shoes off. I don't know if they even have the FOLLOW ME cars like they used to, a vehicle to taxi ahead (or the driver hopes) of planes coming and going, so they can get on the proper taxiway. This 1954 VW Bug with the extra large rear window to give a better rear view saw duty at Berlin's Templehof Airport.

1 comment:

AC Cage said...

Both El Camino and Ranchero has serious rust issues in the pickup area