Friday, October 15, 2021

Dreams come true

Just the other day, Peggy was asking me what can be done about the energy and ecological issues facing the nation and the world. Stopping big industry from poisoning rivers and lakes is a nice start, along with finding ways to consume less energy by modernizing the energy infrastructure and using more smart devices. Even the switch to LED light bulbs over the old incandescents is a step up. 

Today, more than ever, it is vitally important for people to stop saying "infastructure." It's infrastructure, thank you!

Carpooling is a great way to use less gasoline and cut down on emissions. Many communities across the nation are using a hyperlocal version of mass transit, and I am happy to say that my old stomping grounds, our county seat, Towson, Maryland, is right in there with this.

The Towson Loop circulator bus is now, well, circulating around town. As the county proudly states: 

"The Towson Loop is a free transit service that quickly and conveniently connects residents, commuters, students and visitors to stops throughout Towson’s central business district. The Towson Loop launched two routes in October 2021 and is Baltimore County’s flagship bus circulator service. Additional Loop routes are in their early planning stages for other communities in Baltimore County."

They have 12 of these air-conditioned buses on the road, with room for 25 people. There is a bike rack on each, and space for wheelchairs, bikes, and strollers.

Note the word FREE! This is good for business and government and the public at large. Now, one can park somewhere and not have to move the car to go to the mall, or the downtown stores (I admit, I am old-days, so I struggle with the term "downtown Towson," but that's what we have) or even the government offices and courthouses for those currently under indictment, etc. 

Here is a link to the map and the routes, etc.

I bring all this up because I hear all day and night that no one cares, no is trying to do anything to make things better, and the old favorite about politicians all being in it to line their own pockets with ill-gotten gains.

Our nonpareil county councilman, David Marks, is the man who had the vision ten years ago to start this bus rolling, as it were. In 2014, he set in motion the plans for structuring it and funding it, and now, in 2021, those plans have reached fruition.

So please don't tell me that nothing can be done. It can.  And not all politicians are like Mitch McConnell.