Thursday, October 28, 2021

Lookie here!

From beautiful Decatur, Alabama, comes this story of what can happen after one is arrested.

By the way, Marylanders will note that Decatur is named in honor of Stephen Decatur, a man born in Sinepuxent, Maryland in 1779 who later achieved great fame as a naval leader. There is no town of Decatur in Maryland, but there is Stephen Decatur High School outside Ocean City, and that's pretty cool, too.

Meanwhile, back in Alabama, a man was being booked into the local lockup when a routine body scan revealed more than bones inside him...the X-ray showed a shotgun shell in his abdomen.

Morgan County Jail spokesperson Mike Swafford says it looked like a .410 gauge shotgun shell.

It did give the as-yet-unnamed subject a temporary way to stay out of the hoosegow:  “He was never booked in,” Swafford said. “When our medical staff saw that, they said, ‘He has to go to the hospital.’”

They wound up releasing the man, who had been arrested by another law enforcement agency in the county, on his own recognizance, according to Swafford, who does not know what happened to the shell.

We can assume it worked itself out, so to speak, and the jailhouse staff was happy that they would be elsewhere when it did.

The Sheriff’s Department thought it was wise to post the above image on social media as a way to let the public know that they will have to find another way to smuggle contraband, what with the x-ray technology. The jail is used to finding baggies and other makeshift containers inside prisoners, but ammunition, or drugs inside ammunition, are something else again.

“We don’t see a shotgun shell very often,” Swafford said. “We speculate it had drugs in it but we don’t really know.”

Maybe going to jail is a signal that it's time to stop hiding things inside of yourself.

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