Thursday, September 25, 2008

Two cool web sites

In my radio days, one of the worst things you could call a DJ was " a time and temp jock,"meaning that the jock in question had little to say to his audience besides, "10 'til 7 here on the mighty 740, got 57 degrees here at the station, and it's time to hear from Mr. Al Martino." I tried to avoid that syndrome, but to this day, two of my favorite things to know are a) what time is it and b) what's up with the weather? links to an amazing array of world clocks and you can even set one for your home town, as I did (click on the above to see what time I'm enjoying right now.) This gadget is accurate to the second, as anything should be.

A local guy has this weather site that just absolutely stuns me. Click on it - and behold. It tells everything about current conditions, links to radar and other charts, and the great thing is, Perry Hall is right around the corner, literally, from us, so this is close enough to count as my home weather station.

With these two sites, and, of course, Merriam-Webster to look up new words, maybe this crazy internet thing will take off! You never know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Knowing you, those two websites are the perfect ones for you! Although, truthfully, I'm thinking of giving up wearing a watch. I really don't care what time it is! And, there are clocks everywhere, and my cell phone always has the time. I know this will bother you now. I don't think you're laughing!

Good blog. By the way, you were an excellent DJ! I always enjoyed listening.