Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Saturday Picture Show, February 8, 2020

Chiefly due to the vast German heritage in Baltimore, a great many breweries popped up here. We do love our beer. The Bauernschmidt American Brewery is long gone, but a neighborhood down along Back River Neck still survives, known as Bauernschmidt Manor.
Here's a fun idea for a craft project, if you can still find a clothesline anywhere.
A mural with a message: this is the ceiling someone painted over an outside smoking area.
Add this one to your list of workplace snafus: they built an entire Burger King backward. Can you just imagine the memos going back and forth, and the lawsuits?  It might be easier to move the street around.
If there had been a Super Bowl in 1963, the halftime entertainment would have been The Ronettes, and we'd STILL be talking about that one!
These are the chewing gums I remember even better than the Wrigley products: Beemans, which had pepsin for the digestion, Black Jack, which was aniseed flavored (sort of like licorice, but even worse) and Clove, which would be the one gum you'd use to decorate a baked ham. Interesting...
These houses on the Faroe Islands have the kind of roofs that apparently need to be mowed, rather than shingled.
If you could choose a bird's-eye view of any place, any time, how about Holland, during tulip season?

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