Monday, February 17, 2020

George Straight

Today is Presidents' Day, formerly Washington's Birthday.  But old George got shunted off in 1971, when the government reorganized every holiday they could get their hands on and made every famous day a Monday.

Technically, the holiday is still designated as Washington's Birthday, but now we forget how we used to celebrate the natal day of the man who was "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen: February 22. Now we just make the holiday the third Monday in February.

Now, the day is set aside to allow people to have a day off in honor of the presidents of the United States.  There have been 44 great men to hold the office.

When it was just still plain old Washington's Birthday, stores would hold big sales on 2/22 and sell shirts for 22 cents and entire living room furniture sets for $222.22.  The deluxe set would always include an ottoman, that little tiny low-sitting chair that sat in front of the easy chair.  You could put your feet up on it while the whole family clustered around to watch "Dobie Gillis," or if it was a holiday and kith and kin came from all over to get some ham and green bean casserole, your cousin Bernard would be sitting on the ottoman, telling you that it took its name from the Ottoman Empire, rulers of Southeast Europe, Western Asia and North Africa between the 14th and early 20th centuries.  Apparently, the Ottomans (Ottomen?) enjoyed putting their feets up after a hard day of conquering and whatnot.

Baltimore County schools are open today because it was supposed to snow one day in December so everyone stayed home on that day and celebrated "Ooops, Wrong Guess Day."  One supposes that the day will be spent on educational pursuits in keeping with the spirit of the day.

Perhaps they will discuss the Ottoman Empire!

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