Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Say it ain't so, José

Some good news from California here, as the Long Beach Little League and East Fullerton Little League will no longer have kids playing on teams named the Astros, what with the major league Houston Astros being disgraced as their sign-stealing cheating crookedness came to light this winter.

The people who run these little leagues don't want the lying Astros to be an example of good.

"Parents are disgusted," Long Beach Little League president Steve Klaus told the Orange County Register. "They are disgusted with the Astros and their lack of ownership and accountability. We know there's more to this scandal. What's coming tomorrow? With the Astros, you've got premeditated cheating."

Mike Fiers, who used to pitch for the Astros and now works on the Oakland A's mound, told the world that the swindling Astros used a center-field camera to steal opposing catchers' signs in 2017, and bilked their way into a a World Series win by having someone bang on a big Rubbermaid trash can to tell the batter what kind of pitch was coming.

Baseball suspended then-Astros general manager Jeff Luhnow and manager A.J. Hinch, and both men were fired that same day.
To think, I once respected this Altuve.

Now the Astros are the besmirched team in baseball with good reason, although their owner says that even though they cheated, it did not help them win that World Series.

“Our opinion is this didn’t impact the game,” the Astros owner, Jim Crane, said last week as his reprobates started spring training. “We had a good team. We won the World Series and we’ll leave it at that.”

55 seconds later, Crane came out with this:  “I didn’t say it didn’t impact the game."

Asked if sign stealing helped his team’s batters, Crane stated, “It could possibly do that. It could possibly not.”

He was kind enough to say “how sorry our team is for what happened.”

Listen, Jimbo, come to Baltimore City, where the former mayor pled guilty to all sorts of crookedness and now has her lawyers asking for a light sentence, on the grounds that the public humiliation and shame have been quite enough of a sentence, yes sir.

The thing is, if this Crane and his ballclub, and disgraced ex-Mayor Pugh HAD any shame or humility, none of this dishonor would have visited them.

But they don't, and it did.

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