Thursday, February 13, 2020

Sue Sue Heck

As Valentine's Day approaches, I like to help Cupid sort out the better dates from the ones who really need a little more seasoning before hitting the social whirl.

So, to all women in Austin, TX, looking for Mr Right, I must advise you to avoid Mr Brandon Vezmar of that city.

Brandon recently went on a date to see Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2.  He paid $17.31 each for two tickets: one for himself and one for his date.

Things did not go swimmingly. In fact, “It was kind of a first date from hell,” Brandon told the Austin American-Statesman newspaper. Only a short while into the film, his date pulled out her smartphone and began texting.

Mr Vezmar  says that is “like one of my biggest pet peeves.”

So he sued her!

He got so peeved after she got on the phone 10 - 20 times in 15 minutes, texting and checking her emails etc that he asked her to stop.

This was not such a good idea, since (and we don't know why) she was the one driving.

She left the theater and left poor Brandon  to find his own way home.

When he finally got home, he called her and asked her to refund to him the price of her ticket. At first she said no, and then the Alamo Drafthouse, the theater involved, offered poor Brandon a gift card to settle him down.

And then the woman, who will probably refrain from going on dating sites for the rest of all time, said Look, I'll give you your money if you'll find a way to forget my name, address, phone number, email addy and instagram handle.

”The date just didn’t work out and I would love to give you your $17.31 if you can just leave me alone,” she told the man.

So she did and, we guess, he is leaving her alone.

What a guy.

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