Wednesday, February 5, 2020


The Maddox Brothers and Rose. What I wouldn't
give for one of these getups to live in!
No one ever said we all have to live in houses or apartments or any other standard structure.  I've seen people who made homes out of old railroad cabooses. Rose Maddox and her family, Okies seeking better times in California in the Dust Bowl 1930s, lived for a time in a section of concrete culvert pipes in Oakland, CA before becoming famous country music performers.

And there was an old lady who lived in a shoe. She had so many children, she didn't know what to do. (She had married a heel, and had trouble keeping body and sole together.)

Meanwhile, in Oregon dwells a fellow named Bruce Campbell, an engineer by trade, who lives on an airplane. They tell me that Oregon and its woods are home to many oddities, and "they" never steer me wrong.

But you cannot steer Mr Campbell's plane. The engines etc are long gone, and it is parked in the woods like a 1959 Ford Pickup in a farmyard in Kentucky.

Propped up on concrete stands in a wood outside of Portland stands Mr Campbell's Boeing 727.  Instead of a tarmac, it has a driveway.

Somehow he has rigged up a shower and lavatory facilities, which I'm sure comes as a relief to the nearby woods, and he can cook and do laundry inside.

He only lives here six months of every year, spending the rest of his time in Japan, where he is looking for room to park a Boeing 747 fuselage as his other home.

I don't know. Maybe he's onto something. He seems to have the Wright idea.

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