Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Lower and Lower

It's wonderful to see good news, and certainly, seeing two Anne Arundel County Police detectives recover from gunshot wounds suffered last week as they attempted to arrest a murder suspect was a cheery note.

Detectives Scott Ballard and Ian Preece returned to their homes on Saturday after being shot, ALLEGEDLY by one Joseph R. M. Willis, who in his 22 years on this earth has managed to acquire a lengthy criminal record and an upside-down cross tattoo on his face - always a smart look for today's trendy anti-Christian.

Willis faces murder charges for the crime he was being sought for to begin with, as well as charges of attempted murder in both AA County and the City of Baltimore.

So, we see the story. Bad guy murders someone and then attempts to do the same to the police brought in to bring him in. 

And we are happy to see things going as they should, but then hang on a minute.

It never fails that from the morass of human tragedy and sorrow, up from the ground comes a-bubblin' crudeness.  Just like in the Beverly Hillbillies, but the opposite.

Because what oozed out of the depths of humanity these last few days was someone or someones so low as to set up a fake Go Fund me page, purporting to raise money for the families of Ballard and Preece.

“The families have not authorized any of these efforts, nor has the Anne Arundel County Police Department,” the police department tweeted.
Suspect Willis

In fact, they didn't even wait for the detectives to be released and back home before trotting out this horror show.

The AAPD did take time to give thanks for the support the community has shown them during "difficult times," and also said if the family does seek “any such support” in the future, the police department will make an official announcement about it on its website.

I'll editorialize here long enough to say that anyone who seeks to cash in on the suffering and torment of others is the lowest form of life. When you divide the animal kingdom into phylums, you start with the phylum porifera, multicellular hermaphroditic animals which self-fertilize.

They are sponges.

And so are people who set up fake Go Fund Me pages to reap rewards off the pain of others.

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