Friday, February 7, 2020

Sweet story

Who's with me for being a fan of large versions of little things?

I mean, who wouldn't have fun with the Pee Wee Herman Ear Phone?

Or this Giant Pencil?

I've always enjoyed the Jumbo versions of everyday objects, which is why I was stoked to hear that the Mars Wrigley candy people had created a 4,728-pound Snickers a couple of weeks ago.

You talk about their slogan, "Packed with peanuts, Snickers really satisfies!" That hugger was more than two tons of satisfaction, caramel and peanut style!

But competition in the world of candy is fierce. (Remember that Candy Crush game that had everyone, well, stuck on it a while back?)  Not to be outdone, the people up at Hershey had to strike back.

They have this thing called a Take 5 bar. I've never had one, being an Almond Joy loyalist, but a Take 5 contains milk chocolate, peanuts, caramel, peanut butter, and pretzels.

Chocolate and pretzels must be kept far apart from each other, to me, like maple syrup and pizza.

Anyway, someone must like Take 5, and so Hershey's master candyminds made one that weighs in at 5,943 pounds.

They couldn't have added 57 pounds of peanuts and made the thing an even 3 tons already?

People from the Guinness Book of World Records - "adjudicators," if you will - verified that weight of the gigantic treat, and measured it at 9 feet by 5.5 feet. Even larger than Jason Momoa.

America: first with the biggest.

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