Thursday, January 9, 2025

Used to call him "Bigfoot"

A cryptid is an animal whose existence is disputed or unproven by science, such as Bigfoot, or Sasquatch, the names given to the big hairy bipedal creature which some people believe exists and shops for the best deal on a new Kia.

Actual surveillance photo

So two men, 37 and 59, from Portland, Oregon, decided to spend this Christmas past roaming the Gifford Pinchot National Forest in search of something they seemed sure they would find.

They found nothing but cold lonely death in a remote forest.

Over 60 volunteers on the ground, with aircraft overhead, with drones up as well, scoured the area for days, in frigid conditions, before finding the bodies.

My one good takeaway from all this is that none of the searchers was hurt.

My shake-my-head takeaway was learning that this took place in Skamania County, where a person could get a year in jail or a $1,000 fine if one of these creatures is "harmed".

As if they exist. 

Artist recreation 

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