Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Steak Out

I was sorry when the Steak and Ale restaurant chain went under. Primarily, I was sorry for the people who worked there and lost their jobs. Second, they did have a fine salad bar and nice cold beer. Third, because my work group will no longer be able to have their annual holiday luncheon there. You talk about "wishing I had my camera handy" or even "remembering that there's a camera on my cell phone..." We were chowing down in there once and a large chunk of ceiling tile plummeted earthward (is there really any other direction in which to plummet?), landing on the plate of the guy next to me (and splashing me so that all that afternoon, people were asking if my after-shave was Worcestershire sauce.)

But the funniest thing was that we were unable to distinguish the soggy brown ceiling tile from the soggy brown steak.

Anyway, without a camera, we had to commission an oil painting to commemorate all those holiday luncheons:

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