Friday, December 19, 2008

New York Giants

None of my business whom the governor of New York selects to succeed Hillary Clinton as US Senator, but it's interesting to me that Caroline Kennedy, who for all her life - until this year - has avoided politics like George Bush ducks flying shoes, suddenly wants to be a US Senator from New York. Qualifications? Well, she is a lawyer and the Senate does make laws. You'd have to rank her highly in the fields of name recognition and fund-raising ability. But what does she stand for; what does she represent, beyond a little return to that place for happy-ever-aftering known as Camelot?

But, still. When you heard 'Caroline Kennedy' and 'Senate' in the same sentence, it seemed to make sense, the way 'tomato' and 'salad' seem consonant.

Another notable NY woman has thrown her hat into the ring, as it were, and this time, it's more like whether "maple syrup" and "pepperoni pizza" flow nicely. It's TV's Fran Drescher,
she of the braying laugh and curious adenoidal diction. I loved her as "The Nanny." Could she bring anything meaningful to her role as "The Senator?"

History has shown us over and over how damaging it is to send show-biz second-raters
(face this: if they were still big in their original line of work, they would not have left it!) to elected office. And we've seen what can happen when someone confuses real-life public policy with a movie or TV role.

Think, Governor Paterson. Think!

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