Thursday, November 6, 2008

Oh no she DIDN'T!!!

Guess who said this, when asked how she voted: "I am also exercising my right to privacy, and I don't have to tell anybody who I vote for, nobody does, and that's really cool about America also."

Whoopi Goldberg?

Anne Coulter?

Laura Bush?

Dick Cheney's daughter?

The wife of the guy whom Dick Cheney shot?

No. Read it again. The poor grammar ("anyone" would be preferable to "anybody," and as all fans of the objective case know, she should have said, "I don't have to tell anyone whom I vote for") ought to be a giveaway, as well as that completely disconnected tacked-on final thought about what's really cool about America also.

What's really really cool about America is that the woman who uttered these poorly-chosen words, Sarah H. Palin, former mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, now gets to return to the gold rush pannin' and moose shootin' and oil line riggin' and daughter shotgun weddin' for which she is much better suited than the job she sought.

As The New Yorker points out, "Palin" means "Backward" in Greek, making the palindrome "Wasilla - All I Saw" all the funnier.

The day you see the CEO of General Motors hauling tree stumps to the dump in his Ford F-150 pickup, the day you see the head of Anheuser Busch saying, "Mabel? Black Label!" or the day that Ronald McDonald orders a Cheese Whopper will be the day we can take seriously a candidate who cannot even state that she voted for herself.

Or, maybe she is smarter than we gave her credit for.

Enjoy the weddin' and the fussin' and the feudin'. See you in four years, madam.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the "madam" at the end! Now, that was cool!