Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Saturday Picture Show, May 7, 2016

There was a crooked house, but can you imagine stopping here for lunch and having that sideways feeling....?
The 1979 Ford was a road car, as opposed to the space car or sea car you might have had that year.  This sort of pleonasm, from the Department of Redundancy Department, comes from the same school of rhetoric that has sportscasters talking about an athlete's "foot speed," as if he could run with anything else.
A hospital makes arrangements with local facilities so that patients facing the end of their days can do something they enjoy "one more time, " such as seeing favorite works of art again.  Touching.
 Father's Day is June 19.  Just sayin'.
Yes, it's true that the dictionary is the only place where "luck" comes before "work," but this lucky clover is sprouting on a wooden floor, so the point may be that if your lucky day is coming, it will get here, no matter where you are.
Lots of people have chickens at home these days for the fun of it, or, as in the case of my uncle who thought he was a chicken, the family kept him around because they needed the eggs!
If you have this classic 45 rpm record from 1972, and it's in good condition, you have $19.26 coming your way if you want it.  There are sites where your old vinyl is worth new cash. I'm holding on to this one!
I highly recommend this for your summer movie fun!  Just seeing James Stewart when it dawns on him that he would be acting in scenes with Fabian amuses me endlessly.

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