Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Saturday Picture Show, September 21, 2024


Just as with the band, only two of the original Beetles are still around.
This motorcycle would be just the thing if you need to run down to the all-night wicker store.
Even at a temple in Nepal, kids are gonna do what kids do.
What looks like fall harvest time as much as Scottish hay bales? OK, maybe American apples. But still, this looks cool.
Zooming in, you can tell these are not real Lego pieces, but, rather, a painting of Lego pieces someone did. But just to keep it all accurate and everything, they arranged to make it really hurt when you step on it!
Give me a hillside all lit up with wildflowers and I'm happy.
One could write an entire textbook about the American economy after the rustbelt rusted over and just discuss a nation busily selling things to each other. And with any sense of humor, the people leasing this empty store to sell Halloween seasonal merchandise would do well to call the temporary business "Blood Bath and Beyond." Go ahead and tell them.
So I guess not all international borders are as rife with turmoil as where the US meets Mexico. Seen here is where Switzerland becomes France, and there's not so much as a hot chocolate vendor in sight!
This little weiner dog is a Lincoln scholar, and, as such, always follows Abe's rule about "With mallets toward none."
This phenomenon exists also in New York City, where they call it Manhattanhenge.  The sun sets in perfect alignment with the street grid as it sinks slowly in the west. And get this - here it is, the same thing happening hours later in San Francisco, on California Street...and it's the SAME SUN! How about that?

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