Monday, September 9, 2024

As we are

I saw this meme and I got to is so much simpler when we live as ourselves. 

When we see monster movies about Martians from Mars and Venusians from Venus and what-have-you, notice, they all look alike out there. Boxy bodies, antennae, metallic sheen - you can't tell Mr Roboto from Junior Roboto. 

Here on Earth, we are all born pretty much the same size and dressed alike in birthday suits. but as the years go by our bodies grow differently, we choose different clothing, and we have different and distinct personalities.

If we didn't wear our hair as we please, dress as we please, express ourselves and find pleasure in different ways and means, what would we be? Non-unique automatons, moving in machine-like precision to the Grand Parade of Sameness?

I got a great piece of advice one time, and I would give anything if I could remember what it was. But I figured on my own that it's best for us to be ourselves and learn to like ourselves as we are. 



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