Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Don't swallow this rumor

So there he was,  the guy once known as Chris Bridges and now he's Ludacris, once known as a rapper and know he's an actor as well as being a musical performer, and he dipped his water bottle into an Alaskan glacier and drank that water, and you would think he drank liquid fire or Dr Pepper or something.

He posted a video (of course he did) of himself guzzling that water and hollering. "Oh my God" and millions of Tik Tokers and Instagrammarians saw this action and immediately assumed he was drinking poison.

It wasn't all that long ago that we thought that the streams of our land flowed with crystal clear water. Beer companies sought to associate their product as being cans full of mountain spring water, plus hops, whatever they are. Movies and TV shows were filmed for years showing people with those blanket-wrapped canteens, filling up in an eddying whirlpool near a forest and then taking a long pull from the jug, before climbing back on their horse and telling him, "Kay, boy, let's hit the trail, Many a mile between here and Wichita."

And you know the horse was thinking, couldn't you just drive, instead of me toting your asterisk all over the west?

Back to Ludacris. Glacier experts from the University of Alaska in Fairbanks (which is precisely where I would expect to find them) said this commotion online is, well, "ludicrous.”

Glaciologist Martin Truffer said, "He’s totally fine.”

“It’s sort of understandable that somebody would be concerned about just drinking untreated water, but if you drink water from a melt stream on a glacier, that’s about the cleanest water you’ll ever get.”


Ludacris was in Alaska to perform at the State Fair, and to quaff some tasty water at the same time. Walking this Knik Glacier, some 40 miles north of Anchorage, was on his bucket list.

“I’m a water snob,” he said later. “It was the best tasting water I’ve ever had in my life.”

He only says that because, it would appear, he has never tasted the ambrosia we all know as Baltimore Tap Water. Ours comes from Loch Raven Reservoir and is filtered at the Montebello Water Filtration Plant to get all the fish waste and McWrappers out.

So here's an invitation, Ludacris. Come to BMore and drink like we do!

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