Friday, September 20, 2024

"It's a beaut, Clark!"

Peggy and I get a big boot out of the doing the daily Wordle puzzle. It's that game where the player gets six chances to guess a five-letter word. Between that game with our afternoon tea, and the morning Jumble, it helps to keep our minds reasonably agile by the simple act of thinking!

And some simple thinking is what one other Wordler should have done the other day. This person took exception to the winning word on the grounds that she didn't think it's a real word. I can tell you now what the answer was that day ("beaut") because one great feature of the game is that you get 24 hours to play it. You can't save today's game for tomorrow. 

That's why I can now tell you that answer. But a woman who wrote on one of the many grammar pages I follow (quelle surprise, eh?) gave away the answer as she wrote about how she thought it was dumb to have beaut as the answer since she is sure that beaut ain't a word.

Well, it does light up the spellchecker, so...

It's a word that's in everyday use, though, and that's why Wordle used it. 

But the wordle world responded with chagrin that this woman gave away the answer. To those of us who had not gotten around to doing the puzzle yet, it was like having our socks pulled right off our feet while we were still wearing them.

My cup of tea seemed a little hollow after that, so I had an extra ginger snap.

I don't think the woman intended to foul up a so many peoples' days, but it would have been nice to think before she hit "enter" on that post.

Like I'm going to do right now.

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