Thursday, September 12, 2024


I know better than to pay much attention to some of the nuts  people who populate Facebook, but there I was the other night, reading about a local woman who saw a car smack another vehicle on the supermarket parking lot and then keep going. This Good "Samerican" (my homemade portmanteau; it's for sale) took pictures of the crime car and reported everything to the store office. Store personnel found the driver of the banged car and all the information was turned over to her. Good deed, right?

You're wrong, according to the people who called her "snitch" and said she needs to mind her own business. 

One of the posts that decried the woman's actions in reporting the hit & run.

Of course, it's YOUR car being used in the demolition derby at the Weis store, you doggone well want to be told whodunit, I'm sure. 

We're all in this big rowboat called Life and we need help paddling to the other shore. Someone needs to know if someone else is drilling holes in the boat to make it sink. That's not being a snitch. That's making things right.

Yeah, that'll buff right out.

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