Thursday, August 8, 2024

Wave it

Any political candidate who wants to get the union vote makes sure that all printed materials he or she plans to mail or hand out has the union bug, the little seal that testifies the printing was done in a union shop. 

They print it in a tiny lower corner, but it's important. 

Same way with the American flag, our lovely star-spangled banner. Wouldn't you think that any right-thinking American seeking American votes would want to make sure that the 1,776 flags they use to bedeck their platform (literal and figurative) are sewn in America? Not to mention their campaign caps.

Well, bipartisan efforts in Congress are making sure that Old Glory is really made here in the land that we love. 

Republicans and Democrats alike passed a proposal that says the federal gummint can only buy American flags that were completely manufactured here. You won't believe this, but it's true: we import millions of flags from foreign countries, mostly China...over $4 million worth a year!

Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine and Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio put forth the proposal, saying that it goes beyond the symbolism, that making the banners here will bring back American jobs. 

"The American flag serves as a symbol of our identity, resolve, and values as one people. To honor its significance, the federal government should only use flags entirely manufactured in the United States," Collins said.

Look at me, agreeing with something Susan Collins said!

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