Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Lock it up

When I was in high school, I was advised that I should never stop learning.

So, this spring, decades - and I mean decades later -  I found myself in the hallowed halls of dear old alma mater Towson High School, and I learned something!

I learned that students there do not use lockers anymore! 

I was really surprised, but then, the reasons my ears heard while my mouth hung agape made sense.

They don't have that many textbooks at all; learning material is on laptops and learning platforms (online books). 

They use backpacks to carry what they need, including water bottles and snacks, so they don't have bag lunches to stash.

Some schools stopped using lockers during COVID to keep bunches of kids from congregating in the hallways. 

Have you noticed this, too: back in the Pleistocene Era, we wore overcoats and heavy parks, with scarves and gloves, during wintertime. Now, no matter if the temperature is down around the teens, the teens are wearing a hoodie, maybe even shorts. 

Conclusion: kids are tougher today, more resilient in the face of cold weather, and they don't need lockers to store all that gear. 

Guess I would need another place to hide the stashes I stashed in lockers back in the day.

Time, she do march on. But I can still tell you the combination to my old Master padlock: 16-36-24!


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