Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Shipping and Handling

We've all seen that picture of Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, sitting at a folding table in his garage in the nascent days of Amazon. 

He's done pretty well for himself since then, has he not? He started the company as a way to buy books on line and now one can purchase just about everything from him. Not gonna lie, my first thought when we need cat litter/wet food/dry food, granola bars in big boxes, creams, powders, lotions, printer paper, Bay Rum aftershave, vitamins, compression socks, dishwasher gel, candles, dish towels, batteries, and yes, books...is no longer a run to the mall or Wally World. I grab my tablet and let my index finger do the walking, as the Yellow Pages used to urge us to do. 

As avid Amazonians, we are happy to have gift cards to use for above items and many more. But Mr Bezos, I know you follow every word I write online. I need only mention an interest in playing the trumpet, learning to bake homemade bread, or making the headlights on our cars sparkle like new, and the next thing I know, my feed is coincidentally full of ads for musical instruments, flour, bread pans, and Shine-Like-Nu headlight cleaner. 

Thanks, Jeff, for the suggestions, and here's one for you. Try to make it so that removing the gift card from the little black cardboard folder does not mutilate the redemption code, as below:

It only took a fifteen-minute phone call to somewhere far, far away and delightful chat with an Amazon CSR to get this card value appended to my account, and while I enjoy meeting people from far, far away under these circumstances, that was fifteen minutes I could have spent buying things on Amazon! So Jeff, please fix this, and keep on shipping the things I need!

PS - don't try to figure out this garbled code, wise guy. It's ABC (already been cashed!)

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