Tuesday, August 13, 2024


All this talk about Paris the last couple of weeks makes me want to tell that you can now buy the great big brick house featured in the original "Home Alone" movie in 1990 for a mere $5.25 million.

The last time the manse in Winnetka, Illinois, was sold, the year was 2012, and the family that had owned it during its time of movie-set stardom still owned it. They got $1.585 million for it, a dozen years ago.

Getting down to the details, the five-bedroom house measures out at 9,126 square feet. There are six bathrooms, a wood-burning fireplace and a hot tub for your bubbling pleasure.

And there is an indoor basketball court! So there you go! You can dribble before you bubble!

Never at a loss for hyperbolic house descriptions, the real estate people describe this old (built in 1921, refurbished in 2018) pile of bricks as “one of the most iconic movie residences in American pop culture” and “a masterpiece of traditional style.” 

And in case you don't feel like buying the house and running it like Twitty City - the home of the late country singer Conway Twitty, who allowed paying guests to traipse through his house and stay behind the velvet ropes while the man who sang "You're The Reason Our Kids Are Ugly" in a duet with Loretta Lynn munched his Post Toasties and walked around looking for the remote - the sellers have installed security fences to keep the curious at bay.



Getting back to the Paris connection, it seems that a favorite conversation among fans of the Home Alone movies is adding up how much it would have cost, even in 1990, to haul an entire family (minus one) to Paris for a vacation. 

And that provides a jumping-off point for discussing what sort of job paterfamilias Peter McCallister was holding down to shell out that sort of moolah.

People really get into this in online chat groups, none of which seemed to be named "Let's Remember It's A Movie."

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