Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Saturday Picture Show, August 10, 2024


Olympic photographers line up the best shots during the athletic action, and then it's just a matter of luck and good timing!
This is not just any old apple tree, no sir. This is the apple tree under which Sir Isaac Newton was sitting when an apple fell off and plunked Ike on the noggin, leaving him to appreciate the gravity of the situation. The tree is still thriving at Woolsthorpe Manor in Grantham, England - it's over 350 years old!
Say hi to Babe The Blue Ox, mascot of the Kents Store (Virginia) Volunteer Fire Company! Paul Bunyan's companion is usually found in Minnesota. I couldn't find out why these volunteers use his image, but the engine looks great, am I wrong?
Some people go out of their way to prove how awful they are. First, they get one of these Musk Trucks and then they block the pedestrian walkway. Later, he'll steal coins from the poorbox.
This barn has seen better days, but there's a fortune in the old wood! People pay top dollar for weathered planks like this.
Baltimore's Senator Theater is like this, the Alabama Theater in Birmingham.  A lobby and waiting area so luxe, you would almost want to hang around waiting to see a director's cut of The Rise of Skywalker. Almost.
Your free wallpaper for the week is a walk in the park.
Someone always thinks it's cute to label lavatories "Stallions and Mares," or "Señores and Señoritas" or some such. Why not gender-appropriate pictograms?

Simone Biles is more than a story of physical excellence. Even more important, she overcame self-doubt and whipped the world this summer, and for that she deserves all the respect in the world!
Just as Florida State has their mascot Osceola ride atop Renegade, these high schoolers from Washington Irving country have a cool rider for their games. I'm sure it's a high honor to lose your head for your high school!

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