Thursday, May 23, 2024

Will travel for bacon

It will take a trip of 91.18 miles if we drive, or 81.23 miles if we just sprout wings and fly, but one way or another, the bride and I are going to get to Philadelphia soon to check out a restaurant with the delightful name of Bake N' Bacon.

It started out as a food truck, but that has been parked, and brick-and-mortar Bake - N - Bacon has opened at 11th & Ellsworth St in South Philadelphia.

South Philadelphia is an American cultural mecca, having given us such luminaries as Fabian, Kevin Hart, Joey Bishop, Frankie Avalon, Chubby Checker, Larry Fine, Eddie Fisher, mobster Max "Boo Boo" Hoff, DJ Hy Lit, Meek Mill, and...Kevin Bacon!  

The business was created by Justin Coleman and his business partner Kelvin Anderson, and my gratitude is boundless for their menu, which includes bacon brisket burgers, smoked brisket, and pound cake with bacon caramel sauce.

And some people say there's no heaven on earth.

And maybe Kevin Bacon will be there having his supper!


JTT said...

Looks fabulous. Have fun.

Andrew W. Blenko said...

Heck yes!