Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Saturday Picture Show, May 4, 2024


This might be someone's idea of a clever image, but to a lover of phonograph records, seeing them ruined forever by the introduction of heat or sunlight is a stab in the heart. One of these might have brought someone happiness, and now that happiness is sacrificed, and for what?

This goat got lucky. It was brought to this tiger to serve as the tiger's...dinner. But felines will do what they will, and this goat wound up as the tiger's...friend.
“Groovy, baby!” Austin Powers himself, Mike Myers, is back after a year out of the limelight. I see he joined the Silver Club. "Oh, behave!"
I need this giant bureau just for my t-shirts, socks, and shorts. It might be hard to sneak it into the bedroom, though.
Another one from the animal files...this bear and wolf teamed up and roamed and hunted together for ten days. I don't know who followed them around; I'll take their word for it!
Tom Brown is a retired engineer who has kept almost 1000 varieties of apples thriving, some of which were almost lost to agro-evolution. If he's in charge of Cosmic Crisp, he gets a big hand from me! Sweet, tangy, and snappy, yes sir!
My current Show I Should Have Watched 25 years Ago But Didn't So I'm Streaming It Now...Gilmore Girls. I'm just a small-town angst-ridden teen inside.
No one was surprised that Fred and Barney enjoyed the guitar stylings of Keith Richards long ago in Bedrock. I just didn't know they had color TV way back then.
This just does not sit right with me. You want others to stand up, you go first!

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