Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Hands up

 Back in 1901, which seems a lot longer ago than it really was, telephones were new, and cell phones that fit into one's pocket were not even dreamed of! Heck, pockets didn't come on most pairs of pants, and everyone wound up carrying all their keys, smokes, matches, pens, handkerchiefs, wallet and change in a tote sack. Very inconvenient.

But in that golden year of '01, there came a time when one Clifford Blakley of New Jersey had run afoul of the law in his town of Vineland, New Jersey, Did the chief of the local police send a prowl car around to round up poor Clifford for the charge of disorderly conduct? He did not, probably because cars were brand new then, unlike disorderly conduct.

So the chief called Blakley on the phone at the factory where Cliff worked,  and said, "Blakley, I have a warrant here for you. You are to consider yourself my prisoner."

And don't you know, Blakley showed up at police headquarters and made arrangements for his bail. 

Probably wouldn't happen that way today.

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