Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Saturday Picture Show, May 25, 2024


So you bought a bag of Cheetos and it looks like Chester Cheetah left you a little surprise in there...
Hey, don't throw away that used leather sofa! Be like this guy and make a pair of gloves out of it!
This is the lovely garden in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada. Abbotsford was the baronial home of author Sir Walter Scott, whose books and other paper products fill our homes even today.
This is the section of Brooklyn, New York that is called DUMBO for its exact location being Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass. It's described in tourist media as being one of Gotham's greatest "glow-ups," meaning it's not as horrible as it used to be. I guess every city has a dumbo neighborhood and I think I'll just leave that right here,
I've hauled our laundry to the Fluf-n-Fold when our machines were down, and it was fun to engage in communal sudsing with others. But it would be so creepy at night to be sitting there alone, it would put me in a spin.
Sure, you've been hungry. But have you ever been hungry enough to eat licorice yogurt? Didn't think so.
This was the week in Annapolis, MD, home of the US Naval Academy. Commencement and commissioning exercises and the ritual Blue Angels flyovers are all part of the pageantry.
This is an observation tower in Lithuania, built to make it easier to observe Lithuanians.
See? This is why we sticklers insist on careful punctuation. The missing hyphen between "crab" and "walked" makes all the difference here, my friends.
The man on the left is my old-time baseball hero, "Shoeless" Joe Jackson, shown here attending an exhibition game in 1942 with Washington POST sportswriter Shirley Povich, father of Maury Povich, who made his fortune identifying the fathers of other people while thousands howled. 

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