Monday, May 13, 2024


It's never too late to make the same mistake again.

Dateline Shenandoah County,  Virginia, where the local school board has restored the names of two schools.

Restored them back to their Confederate glory, yes sir!

They had them a little meetin' down there the other night...started Thursday evening and went plum into Friday morning...and by a vote of 5-1, the board decided to bring back the names Stonewall Jackson High School and Ashby Lee Elementary School. 

Y'all see...four years ago, in the wake of the nation coming to some sort of sense about race relations around here, the same board (under different members) removed those Dixiefied names from public schools where members of the public - children of all races - are educated. Only now, they will again learn their lessons at schools that honor (honor!) rebel leaders Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee and Turner Ashby.

America started coming to its senses following the wanton murder of George Floyd by a Minnesota cop, but now, four years later, some people are losing all their senses and welcoming back what they call the good old days of an un-Civil War and all the segregation they fought for.

George Floyd. Derek Chauvin. Nine minutes and twenty-nine seconds...

Don't you ever let yourself forget that. Down in Shenandoah County, they're counting on you forgetting, so don't.


1 comment:

Andrew W. Blenko said...

I be saw this and was stunned. In no Georgia or Alabama it would not have been a surprise, but Virginia??? Thought they had more on the ball. 😕