Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Mixed-up Martial Artist

Let's start the short week off with some remarks by a man who is seemingly short on common sense. Meet American mixed martial artist Bryce Mitchell, who says he feels a need to home-school his infant son for the simple reason that he doesn’t “want him to be gay.”

Mr Mitchell has lived for 29 years now, and still hasn't learned not to say things like “We’re going to have to home-school all our kids or they’re all going to end up turning gay.” His son, Tucker (presumably named after talk show guy Carlson) was just born on March 29, and even he knows better than to say things like  "That’s the reason I’m going to home-school Tucker, because I don’t want him to be a communist. I don’t want him to worship Satan. I don’t want him to be gay.”

They call him "Thug Nasty" on the fighting circuit.  Have you ever seen one of those guys who struts around with clothing and jewelry and weapons that attest to how tough they are? You get the picture. 

This guy  - a cattle farmer besides being a martial artist - also says that people shouldn't have their children vaccinated, and that public schools are wrong for not having students read the Bible.

“They took it out of the schools and replaced it with Edgar Allen Poe," he grumbles. “My son ain’t going to be reading no Edgar Allan Poe, OK? He’s going to be reading the Bible.”

"The eyes are the windows to your soul." - Shakespeare

The article I read does not answer the burning question of who will be a-teachin' readin', writin', an' cipherin' to Tucker. One can only hope that it won't be this man, who also believes Earth is flat.

 Here is a sample of his writing and his abundantly wonderful thoughts:

Funny that a man who makes his living as a fighter can't spell fight. Or know the difference between the Department of Homeland Security and Child Protective Services. 

That's all I'm "gunna" say.


Richard Foard said...

As a Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me panelist once said, "There's tempting fate, and then there's giving it a lap dance." Bet me that Tucker ends up on Ru Paul's Drag Race.

Richard Foard said...

(That comment, at the time, referred to those stout souls who booked passage on a cruise that commemorated the 100th anniversary of the Titanic's voyage.)