Saturday, July 30, 2022

The Saturday Picture Show, July 30, 2022


"I know the hot dog and beer guys will be along soon...."
I was telling a friend, one of the most beautiful things to me is to see old steel getting rusty. I love those highway guardrails that are deliberately left untreated so they can rust naturally. It's just a pretty color, for me.
This is either a close-up of some multicolored pasta or an extreme close-up of one of those rubber band balls. Fun either way!
Taco Bell had a dollar-a-taco deal going on one Sunday long ago and one of the guys at 911 volunteered to take a C note over there and come back with a ton of tacos. There were no leftovers.
Oh, the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth the other day when Klondike announced they weren't going to make Choco Tacos anymore, and then everyone realized they hadn't had one since 1997, so go off...
This is tomato time and I hope everyone's crop is flourishing nicely. I love these cherry tomatoes a lot - just drop them in a salad and away you go!
There's no law against going airborne in baseball. Here's Cedric Mullins of the Orioles careering home the other night. After years of lackluster teams, we Baltimore fans have a team worth cheering for now! 
The sunflowers in Austria look great already, and soon the fields around here will wave their brown and gold and we'll all go pose for pictures!
It just wouldn't be New York to just say "No Parking Anytime."
This week's free wallpaper shows why living on a farm offers sights no citydweller can match.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful as always!