Saturday, May 28, 2022

The Saturday Picture Show, May 28, 2022


This is from that great "Macanudo" comic strip that I wish the Baltimore SUN would carry, but I know there would be a furious outcry from "Luann" and "BC" fans if they cut those thoroughly relevant strips to make room for it.
We've never had good luck with houseplants that need a) water or b) sunshine. We always gave too much or too little of both. Pictures of houseplants, though, thrive nicely here.

The great cast of "We Own This City," led by Jon Bernthal as the despicable Baltimore PD Sgt. Wayne Jenkins, are doing a great job telling the stories of these men who killed and robbed their way into infamy.  Given guns and badges and the authority to arrest lawbreakers, these men became lawbreakers themselves and did incalculable damage to police-community relations in the city of Baltimore. Jenkins will be back in town in 2038 after he does a 25-year term in federal prison. 
This reminds me of the people who wanted a certain job or house or car or mate and then did nothing but complain about that job, house, car or mate. Remember, it isn't what you want that counts, it's what you get and what you do about it.
Pretty old mill house, isn't it? I think we should name it after Richard Nixon.
The architect behind whatever this is really did his or her bit nicely.  You know the drill.
This is it! The last remaining pay phones in New York City are gone. If you need to make a call and don't have a cell phone, just offer a passing stranger a quarter and ask to use his.
The latest thing for this summer's Baltimore fashion scene is this shirt showing Mr Trash Wheel, the giant aquatic vacuum cleaner for the Inner Harbor, in action.
Mitt Romney would remind us that "Corporations are people too, my friend." That's why they wouldn't dream of price-gouging.

Have a great Memorial Weekend and keep your ducks in a row!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know the drill - lol!